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The Victoria Community Development Corporation
Elderhostel Project

Elderhostel 2003

In 2003 the Number of Learning Vacations the VCDC became involved with expanded to four.

"Bridging The Atlantic Program" ran in June. Also in June two other program with groups taking trips across the island visited the Conception Bay area for two nights. The Routes To Learning (RLC) program "Newfoundland: From East To West," ran in June and September. The Elderhostel program "Where the New World Began" ran in June also. The "East To West" and "Bridging The Atlantic" are scheduled for 2004 with development of new programs under way by the VCDC.

The VCDC is considering offering programs in cooperation with service clubs, such as the Lions International, who have a membership outside our province. A wall calendar is being developed to promote Volunteer Vacations in this province and mainland Canada.

Elderhostel 2002

The 2002 program had exactly the same numbers as the VCDC Elderhostel program in June and August of 2002. A total of 33 visitors took part in a program called "Bridging The Atlantic". This program was based on NL connection to the development of the WirelessTelegraph and Aviation across the Atlantic from 1850 to 1930. Research is sill being done on the development of cruise ship program around the island and into Labrador.

Elderhostel Group enjoying lunch
and chat with instructor Frank Martain

Elderhostel Group with
"The Spirit of Harbour Grace"

Elderhostel 2001

In 2001 the VCDC offered one Elderhostel program in June and again in August. A total of 33 visitors took part in a program called "Bridging The Atlantic". This program was based on NF connection to the development of the Telegraph, wireless and Aviation across the Atlantic from 1850 to 1930. Programs for inter-generational groups of grand parents and grandchildren have been proposed for 2003.

Elderhostel - 1998 - 2001
During 1998 the VCDC conducted research on ways of attracting visitors to Victoria and Region. Examination of programs for visitors and demographic information, showed that the 55+ age group visitor was not being targeted to this area. The VCDC decided to develop a program to target this group. After further research the VCDC decided that Learning Vacations programs for this area should be looked at. The VCDC contacted the largest Learning Vacations organization in the world to find out what they required to bring a group to an area. After six months of contact and discussion, in November of 1998 Elderhostel representative visited the Trinity Conception area. The area coordinator gave approval for this area as an Elderhostel location pending the availability of accommodation and the development of acceptable programs.

During 1999, in cooperation with the Conception Bay Museum(CBN) in Hr. Grace, the VCDC developed a pilot Elderhostel program for September. The course load centered around the fishery, sealing, and aviation history of Newfoundland with concentration on Hr. Grace and Conception Bay. The CBN Museum was the only location with research completed that could be quickly developed in Elderhostel programs. Nine visitors came to the first pilot program, staying six days and five nights. The visitors stayed at the Hunt's Hotel in Hr. Grace with classes being held at the Hotel Harbour Grace Volunteer Fire Department. The feedback from the visitors was very positive.

In October 1999 the VCDC received funding from HRDC Hr. Grace to develop more Learning Vacation Programs for future years. This was a thirty-week program with a Program Coordinator and Curriculum Developer working from October 1999 to May 2000. Two Researchers were hired for 15 weeks each, from January 2000 to April 2000. The programs developed through this project included Elderhostel programs on Aviation in Newfoundland, Newfoundland's connection to the Wireless and Telegraph. and The Newfoundland Pony, The Newfoundland Dog. These programs would be offered in 2001.

Investigation is on going in the possibility of attracting Cruise ships to this area as another aspect of the Elderhostel Program. There are other programs being considered for the up coming months.

Elderhostel 2000

Four Elderhostel programs were offered in 2000. The June and October program was on the Sealing and Fishing in Newfoundland, and the life of Arctic Explorer Captain Bob Bartlett. People from Canada and United States signed up each date this program was offered. The numbers for any one month however, were not enough to make the two programs viable. Upon investigation of why this was so, the VCDC, with the help of regional Elderhostel Coordinator, identified two possible reasons. With a new program being offered on two dates in 2000 the registration numbers were split between the two dates offered. Offering the program once would have been better. The second program on the Newfoundland Pony for adults only did not have high enough numbers probably because of an inter-generational pony program in July. Also, in 2000 with the Viking Celebrations, most hostelers wanted to see the West Coast of Newfoundland and Southern Labrador.